Slowly, the troublesome curiosity got the best of poor little Lazlo he was just a boy, the Dark was luring helpless Lazlo in bit by bit with a cunning, wicked and daring grin. Creak! Creak! the crooked, dusty and wooden stairs (which were there forever) as Lazlo went cautiously down the stairs, as it was too dark to even see a massive, tall and gigantic statue like the Statue Of Liberty. Angrily, little Lazlo speedily ran down the stairs he didn't care about if he would fall right into the rock solid ground, all the wanted to see was the Dark. Trembling slightly as Lazlo reached the stone cold floor, he was trying to go back but he just knew he just couldn't turn back. "Quicker! Quicker!" Snapped the Dark with his as croaky as a old toads voice. Lazlo obeyed the darks order, he knew what would happen if he didn't, maybe it would be death...



Tripping over something hard as a statue Lazlo successfully managed to switch on the dim, dull but useful light. Still frightened as ever Lazlo quickly found himself in front of an old, broken and spooky closet. Pleading to go back the cruel, mean and selfish Dark refused he was furious as Lazlo turned on the light and he was sadly forced to hide in a small, tiny and hidden shadow. "Go on, open it, don't be afraid." The dark murmured his voice was so demanding it made Lazlo shudder in shock. Wanting to angrily and anxiously run away Lazlo knew he just had to carefully open it, what could be in there? A person? A portal? what could it be? Lazlo reached out his shaking, bony and pale hands and tugged at the closet as it slowly began opened...

Suddenly, Lazlo wanted to scream so like it was like the whole world would hear his little squeaky voice but no, it was just a plain, boring and dull book! A long lost diary? Lazlo thought with curiosity. Slowly Lazlo opened the book and gasped in fear. It wasn't a little diary, it was drawings of an old family that probably used to live in this house which has been there, but wait, Lazlo recognised it (He had this feeling, but he was always right with a feeling)it was the Dark's family well that's what he curiously thought. "You have found it. But what will happen next?" The Dark whispered. Lazlo shuddered in fright, he dropped the book and tried to run but the door was shut tight he was never going to get out...or is that what he thought?