The Titanic

Day 1-10th April 1912

"The Titanic is the best largest ship I ever seen after this travel I am going to retire and the Titanic has some rules there rules are if you have a lot money your going to be 1 class passenger if have a bit of money your a 2 class passenger but if you have no money at all your a 3 class passenger but I like the 1 class because the got a lot of beautiful it has Turkish baths,french cafe,swimming pool,electronic baths,fine dinning room, dancing room that's all I know about 1 class but the 2 class had they only had silver stuffs only even the beds too but the 3 class has only beds that's why I don't like 2 and 3 class."

Day 2- 11th April 1912

"Everything's going fine I'm so happy so as the passengers are enjoying the travel too, they said that the Titanic is unsinkable but I hope it won't sink so Thomas Andrews who made the huge Titanic he will be very sad with his self but I still hope it worn't sink into the freezing,deadly Atlantic ocean because I don't want to die like everybody in the world, really I don't want to be a captain because if you be a captain and if the ship sinks the captain needs to stay on the ship and die with the others who needs to stay on the ship and die together."

Day 3- 12th April 1912

"We're having lots of iceberg warnings but I don't think there is a iceberg they're only trying to make us get scared so we're going to go FULL SPEED AHEAD and I'll see if there's an iceberg in the world and we will go a lot more quicker too!!!"

Day 4- 13th April 1912

(Don't know what is going to happen later!!!!)

Is 2 more days left to New York city the passengers don't have any troubles at all some of them come to me and say, We enjoy the library, We enjoy the fine food, We enjoy the barber shop they say these things to me.Yesterday I was in the dinning room and told one of the crew to ride the Titanic and everybody was saying, Can this ship sink? By keep and keep saying that and said No! It won't No! It won't.