I am a clown

I am a clown. My name is Bananos. I like this name because I like bananas.

My job is that I make kids and adults laugh. I make them laugh during Carnival, kids birthday parties and at the hospital. I wear a funny clown outfit. The top has a lot of coloured dots and the pants have red and white stripes. I wear big black shoes, a black hat with red peppers design and a big red bow round my neck. This outfit is my favourite one. I think it is funny with stripes and dots and it's my favourite one because the kids like it so much! I make people laugh by doing funny dances with my big coloured umbrella. I apply white paint all over my face, blue paint for my eye shadow, yellow paint for my eyebrows and red paint as a lipstick. I wear a big red ball on my nose, too. Kids like to touch my squishy nose. Once there was another funny clown and he liked me and he joined the show. That was my favourite day because I usually work on my own. When I had a partner we could invent so many other funny tricks and dances.

I also like it when the kids join in and participate happily during my shows. That is how I know that I'm doing a good job. I like my job very much because I make other people happy.