My last birthday party

My last birthday party was on the 28th of February 2019 and it was amazing. So let me tell you about it. This all happened at my grandma's house.

As soon as I went in my grandma's house everybody started singing Happy Birthday. Then my best friend, my cousins and I played among us a game Stick the tail to the donkey, and we raced, too. It all was so funny. My grandma's house was decorated with my favourite TV show decorations. My dad was busy taking photos and videos. They also prepared some food. There were sandwiches, cheese cakes, chips. It was all so yummy! The cake was about Green House Academy. It was delicious.

After everything I felt so tired and exhausted. Sadly, I don't have any plans for next year...we will wait and see. After all it was a good party and I enjoyed myself.