Disaster Strikes!!

What is an iceberg?

A dangerous object for ships.

Due to it looking small from above, but

the rest is hidden underwater.

At 11:40 P.M. on April 14th 1912

The Titanic hit an iceberg, as it

received many warnings to slow down.

The Titanic did not care though.

It was at full speed, the thing was

They had no binoculars to see it.

Over 1,500 people died. (Total is 1,523)

700 People survived, it was a nightmare

that was true, and a big tragedy.

By Kristiyan from 4D

This is the Titanic.

it was a tragic trip to New York, due

to loosing money and the boat sinking, we thought it was unsinkable, we were wrong, there are many people that were involved, heres the link: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Titanic/blame.htm

Why not think.

How will you

react and survive

the ship crash, if you want a example, look

at the picture in the link paragraph,

what will you do? Just think of something to pretend if your onboard the Titanic? How will you live? How will you do everything? How will you react? Just think, my reaction is being scared so much that i almost fainted!!

How about you? Whats your idea?

Its really scary if you know the future,

and you know if the Titanic's going to sink, its like Back To The Future.

It started slow at first.

The Titanic hit the iceberg which made a 30 foot gash in the side of the ship, the Titanic began to sink slow getting faster and faster tilting into the icy depths of Neptune's entire ocean.



Many people were involved in the Titanic crash. It was mostly Captain J. Smiths fault due to not giving a care about slowing down, he thought the ship was unsinkable when it was, could they have multiple layers of steel so its not easy to even make a hole from an iceberg? I think that's a better thing they should of thought of.


The RMS Carpathia was the first ship to save the Titanic, unlike the others they ignored the wireless signal from the ship, they might of thought that it was a joke, again because they thought the ship was unsinkable, but the Carpathia did not ignore it and took it as real, they came later as the passengers in the lifeboat were snuggling together to keep warm, they drove up close to collect the 700 people who lived, there was 2,230 in total. Minus 1500. And keep the 700. They died in the water due to a numb below -0 celcius. They did not know about it being numb. Also some died in the process because they did not know how to swim, many tried swimming to the lifeboat but failed, that means they failed to reach the lifeboat in time. In the process of swimming to the lifeboat they could see the dead bodys floating and some sinking, they should of not jumped off the ship and not panic, they should of stayed calm and wait for orders from the captain when to board the lifeboat, it sank very slowly which gave them a advantage to get on, on time. Dont ever jump off the ship, or bad stuff will happen.