The day I met an alien

At night, I looked out of my bedroom window and I saw a UFO flying in the sky. He was falling out of the sky! It landed and when the UFO reached the ground, I met the alien. I waved and he waved back.

The alien had snail eyes and green slimy skin. He looked slippery and he had webbed feet. I felt happy because it was my dream to see an alien in real life. I was amazed! I stayed calm. The alien was a little bit scared but I told him that I was friendly and then he didn't feel scared anymore. I think he understood me because he talked back to me. He was a Martian because he came from Mars. He arrived here in his spaceship but he ran out of fuel and he needed help because he wanted to go back home.

We became best friends forever and he was the first best friend. I wish we could meet every day. This day was the best day of my life.