The Titanic

Day 1- 10th April 1912

The Titanic is finally set sail ,southamption to New York.This is one of the biggest ships ever been one

this is my last time on a ship.The must happy pace

was the dancing room everyone love it but only for

the 1st class and the turkeys bath relaxing but only

1st class.The 1st class passenger where having good days in the french cafe and the swimming pool and the must relaxing Turkish bath and the electric bath.

Day 2- 11th April 1912

We have got lots of iceberg warnings but we haven't

seen any of them so we are not turn around and we

are on the fastest speed all trip.The bell rang all the children were sleeping all the adult when to the dinning

room and ate some fine food but not for the 3rd class

and then danced in the dancing room.

Day 3-13th April 1912

At 12:00 am everyone was asleep even the captain

then at 2:30 am the lookout saw a iceberg he rang the bell.The captain woke up he went to the wireless room and asked whats going on Harold Bride said we have just crashed into a huge,icy,crystal white iceberg.

Day 4-14th April 1912

At 2:20 am there was ice all over the ocean and lot of people were on the small,wooden lifeboat waiting for the carpathia to come. Finally the carpathia arrived

lot and lot jump onto it and they all got to New York safily and happily.