L.O. To be able to write a chronological report


To be able to use hyphens.

To be able to use technical language (scientific vocabulary).

To be able to use parenthesis (commas, dashes and brackets)

To be able to use headings and sub headings.


To be able to use a range of conjunctions at the beginning and end of sentences.

To be able to use fronted adverbials.


To be able to use passive voice.


Although, the wild African dogs are wild, they are so cute. The African wild dog is also known as the wild hunting dog. The wild dog is incredibly intelligent this is why its also known as a hunting dog. In addition to this, the wild dogs name in Swahili is Mbwa Mwitu. The size of the Lycanon pictus ( Wild African hunting dog) is upto 30 inches in the shoulder. The wild dogs are mostly known to live in wood land.


African wild dogs primarily prey on large mammals and incects. Theses are the types of things Wild African dogs mostly eat: wildbeest , Antelops , Ipala. And many other animals. The african wild dogs usally hunt their prey during early morning for Dinural animals and in the evening for nocturnal animals.


Eventually Wild dogs live where their prey are commonly found this is mainly in woodland and motane. Mainly Wild dogs live in swamps and mountains for antelops and other places such as deserts and may other places.The climate is extremely hot and dry like a hot jacuzzi. However the desert is still full of life. Most wild dogs adapted to survive in the desert.


THE African wild dog has large rounded ears which help to keep track of there prey and the mebers of there group. The reason Wild Dogs travel in packs is because this helps them keep safe and incase one of them is attacked they can here each others cries(known as a vocal calls) and also track by the sense of smell. Also the African wild dogs have long legs which help them catch there prey fast. One of the cautions of African wild dogs is that they carry many deases because of the meat they eat. This may be dangerous as pets.