The day I met an alien

Once I was sleeping when I heard my door that moment I woke up and ....

By my bed there was a little alien that had cute little sparkling eyes, long eyelashes, a cute flower on her head, a little, pink dress and a tiny pet next to her. She said, ''Hi I'm Emily .... hello you there!!!??!!?" Suddenly I screamed on top of my lungs because she scared me and she quickly hid under my bed. Then, she came back out and said, ''Please let me stay here friend Fluffy is very evil and she dropped me and before she left she said byeee in an evil voice.'' At the moment I felt sorry for her, so I got snacks that I always hide under my bed and we started munching on them like crazy. She told me that she has magic and I asked her to show me. She showed me that she can turn invisible and make me fake sick so I can skip school. 😂🤣🤣 Then we heard a KNOCK ON MY BEDROOM DOOR!!!!!! We heard my mum's voice asking, ''Is everything ok darling?" I replied, ''Yess mum, it was just a scary dream you know!!!!!!!!'' Then she said, ''Okay goodnight!!!'' Emily whispered, ''Can you take me back home please?'' I said that I did not know how. She asked me if I knew the planet Heartie Heart???? '' I didn't know what she was referring to so I just said yes. Then I remembered something and I told her my plan. "I will have my father take me to the park, like we do every Saturday and there is a teleporter which can take you anywhere.'' ''Yay, I am going back home,'' she said happily.

On Saturday morning she had to hide in the trunk and we went to the park. She went in the teleporter and went back to her planet. Before she left I gave her a biggg huggg and said, '' Bye, I will miss you.'' I really hope to see her again one day.