
We have finally set sail to new York after we get to new York I will retire as captain.This is the most glorious ship I've ever sailed swimming pool

Turkish bath smoking room, restraint library loads of stuff. The rooms are 1 2 3 classes of cabins.

10 th of april day 1

11 April 1912

day 2

We have been receiving iceberg warnings


other ships in the aria but we are getting closer to New York fasster than expected will be there.so we desided we wont slow down but we will put our best lookouts on dutie

we are shure there is nothing in the aria.


Day 3 april 12 th 1912

We are deeper in to the alantic oshen we think we are safe


out hear all alone but we think we can see the calerfornion in

the aria so if we do crash it will help us.

Day 4 12 april


We have struck a ice burg help we are sending SOS and CQD

and we are uncovering lifeboats as fast as we can please help.