Describing snow setting

When I touch the cold hearted trees it freezens me like icicles .I see the frosty bushy trees swifting side to side .I walk and I feel the shivering from the frost freezing tree.As I stand still like a mannequin the breeze brushes on my face.I can see the trees full covered in snow like a christmas tree.


When I touch the snow it make me shiver.I taste the white fluffy snow it turns my heart into a cold heart.When somebody throws snow at me it make me feel like a I 'am ice angle.I see the snows like blue crystals.I can see snow dancing about in the sky.



I can see icicles hanging like frozen daggers trying to kill you. Walking slowly, you can see bird having bits of icicles.I saw icicles falling of the sky like broken iceberg.I can see the icicles dropping rapidly from above me.I can taste the freezing icicles as I approach to go the the palace.


Mountains are covered with frosty snow.Mountains are stuffed with snowflakes.Mountains are invisible because they are camouflage. As I touch the mountains I shiver .Near the mountains I can see the fire trying to blast out while the ,snow blocks the fire.


Buildings are impossible to get out because of the snow. Buildings roof are ruined because the icicles are dropping on them. I can see the buildings trying to lick the snowflakes which are coming slowly.Rapidly, I try to run away from the buch of snow which is attached to the building.