The lion and the mouse

One day there was a fierce lion who was sleeping in a shady place, under a tree. Then all of a sudden, a mouse jumped on his nose and the lion was very, very angry because it is annoying to have a mouse on your nose. Then, he grabbed him by the neck and the mouse was terrified by the lion!

The mouse begged and begged to let him run away. He apologized for what he had done. The lion pitied the little mouse. After, he let the mouse go. One lovely day the lion was just walking in the forest and in a flash he was trapped in a net with thick ropes. The lion was terrified and he cried and cried and shouted for help. Then, the mouse jumped out of nowhere

and started nibbling the thick ropes to set him free. He managed to set him free.

The lion thanked the mouse so much. After they became friends forever. The moral of the story is that small friends can be powerful allies.