

Mexico is a lovely, hot country which can be a beautiful place to go to for a lovely, relaxing holiday.There are lot's of tropical fruits which can be eaten in many different ways. Mexico is also known as a lovely place to go to for a beach holiday.


There are many different colourful food in Mexico you can only taste our finest food such as Borritoes, Dorritoes, Tacos, Aloe vera(cacti juice)in Mexico.If your a fan of chillies then why don't you come to Mexico.


I know when it comes to sports there are many sports Mexican people love but there is one sport they love and that is BULL FIGHTING. Many people love love bull fighting but if you don't like bull fighting there are many other sports like Football or bull ridding or wrestling or boxing.


When it comes to beaches there is one picture that comes to mind RELAX!!! Our beaches are the best beaches to come to because while you enjoy your ice cold smoothies you can also enjoy the hot tropical weather. so come and enjoy mexico.
