The Unborn children of the Dark

Down here...

Glancing at the petrifying dark he was off with a hesitant step, strolling further into the banished, boiling basement.

Further in...

Not a clue I had but fear locked in my heart, which was now thudding. Perspiring with cold sweat. A widespread of darkness trot on either side of where the damp walls lie, begging for mercy. Curly, coiled, curtail cobwebs sprang down in the dusty, dinghy corners. Soon I was lost in a limited box.

Follow me...

The hoarse voice chattered on repetitively.

"Where are you?" I stuttered.

"I am where you are." he replied. " Open the adjacent door with the rusty key."

Reluctantly, I twisted the bronze, lusty key. Gasps of relief echoed around the expanded, vast area I was currently in. Miniature and towering pale sinful spirits flew around me - ghosts.  What is happening? Where am I ? Smirks spread across each of their pallor faces.  




Suffer the invincible fate or die in your coffin...

By the invincible Kaaruni Kulothungan