I threw the beans outside the bedroom window...

As I was inside my bedroom, I felt a tremor and heard unusual sounds. I was curious so I went to look outside my window, and saw a giant beanstalk growing up high in front of my eyes.

At first, before I climbed the beanstalk, I imagined a beautiful castle. But when I climbed the beanstalk I saw a rich castle. There I also met a butterfly fairy. I couldn't believe my eyes! There was an obstacle called a doggy person. I saw a helper called a rare butterfly. The dog was inside the castle so he could trap me but the rare butterfly helped me get free. She said, "Go home safe and sound."

The helper made the beanstalk vanish after she helped me get down.

Then, we all met next to where the beanstalk was. Then we all said, "Bye."