Mother Gothel

I am Mother Gothel Rapunzel's step mother. Oh how I

hate Rapunzel's father he tried to steal my lovely plant

called Rapunzel. He told me that his wife was sick and was

going to have a child. I came up with a plan. '' If you want

my precious Rapunzel you must give me your child as

soon as it is born''. Rapunzel's father trembled with fear

but he said yes what a fool ha ha ha.

As years past by the baby was born i rushed

to Rapunzel's father house. I knocked on the door

Rapanzel's father came to the door. ''This is the lady

who wanted to steal our child before I could speak

They started to cry oh the NOISE I came to sense

and took the baby and ran away. I shall name you

after my plants Rapunzel.

I played with Rapunzel as she got older she was

such a beauty her hair lit up and it was wonderful

I wanted to keep Rapunzel for the rest of my life.

I HOPE that she will not be that much of a beauty

when she grows up i do not want any men trying to

follow her because they do not want to see the bad

side of me.

Years moth day weeks past by Rapunzel grew up

to be TOO BEAUTIFUL I came up with a plan I will

lock Rapunzel in a TALL tower no doors and only one

window that is how no men will get to MY Rapunzel

ha ha ha.
