The Dark

As he approached the horrifying basement, he gulped as a shiver went up his fragile spine causing him to panic.

"Why should I go there?" he questioned to the dark.

"wait and you'll see, now are you ready to go down there?" he replied

Laszlo stormed down to the basement door in which he opened slowly awaiting the horrors that would be unleashed to the over-world. Slowly moving into the dark twisted room he remained silent. SLAM, the door had shut on him and he was locked in a daring and fantasy room that was full of all of Laszlo worst fears including: spiders the dark as well as insects. However he had a torch but it ended up running out of battery not too soon after he was locked as he was paranoid. Scared, he screamed. The silence was deafening.

Soon, he tried to slam the rock door but it was no help towards him because it was well... rock solid. He knew this was no help towards him as he knew even if he got out the dark would be waiting outside pushing him downstairs. Looking blindly, he managed to find the light switch that barely illuminated the room but made it easier to glaze his eyes upon the bloody walls that were smeared with blood. He realized a dusty drawer that was hidden behind of tons of thick materials. Tempted to open it he stopped and thought about what was happening. He realized that he had to do something before something else happened in which he thought of an idea that may of just saved his life.

 Cautiously he moved toward the dark oak drawer that gave him a personal thought to think it was evil. Grasping one faint hand on the dark and cold handle he used all strength that remained in his terrified and cold brittle body. It slammed out releasing a green ghost that stood there.

"I control the dark and have been luring you into the basement, I've been here for 200 years and I'm finally free "exclaimed the Ghost

" I thank you for this and for this reason you shall take my pace and control all dark across the world, you could even make it all go away if you like" the mysterious ghost said to Laszlo

"well, I-I don't know what to say" Laszlo replied back

"I'll destroy the dark and banish it forever" Laszlo said courageously

"All you need to do is sit in that draw"

"What, Why" he asked curiously

"So you could take the throne." Laszlo Sat inside the Drawer...With no fears what so ever.