The day I met an alien

Last night I was going to sleep when suddenly I saw something unusual. It was hiding from me and he looked scared.

The creature looked green and fluffy. It was very short and very cute. I told him not to be scared of me. I was surprised that he understood me and he came closer to me. Then, I asked him some questions. We talked about space and he told me all about his planet. It was an unknown planet. I had never heard of it during our Science lessons at school. I asked him what it looked like and he said it looked like the moon but a bit larger and more far away from planet Earth. Then, he said that he needed to go because he needed to go back to his family. I said, ''Ok, you better get going. I hope to see you again some day."

He thanked me very much for being so kind to him and promised that he'll come back. Then, he disappeared. I hope that he will come back one day because I want to ask him many more questions about his life on his planet.