The African elephant is a mammal. It is the biggest land mammal. Elephants live in groups. When an elephant has a baby the herd protects her.

Elephants are herbivores and they usually eat twigs leaves and other plants. It has a very strong trunk. The elephant's trunk is about the size of a human. Most of the elephant's life is spent eating. They weigh about 5 to 7.5 tonnes and that's a lot. They live up to 60 to 70 years. Its trunk looks like a nose in a lip. It gets water in its trunk and drinks it or sprays it all around its body to cool down from the sun. This poor creature is getting extinct because people want its tusks to make money.

Elephants are not aggressive animals. It could become aggressive when they try to hurt it. Elephants are also very intelligent creatures because they can recognize themselves in a mirror.