My pet

My pet's name is Zoe. She is a Maltese dog. Zoe is four years old and I got it in 2016. I met her at Christmas and she was a present. I thought that the present was open because someone opened it. It was open because she needed air. At first I thought the dog was fake but in fact she was a cute little puppy.

That night I watched a movie and Zoe and I slept together. My dog's favorite food is chicken but she eats everything she sees. She's always happy to see me. My dog plays hide and seek with us and she also knows some tricks. My dog doesn't have a place for her...she wonders around the house. Her favourite place is in the wardrobe. When she sees kids she wants to kiss them. In winter she comes near us and snuggles up. It makes us warm.

Mostly my mum takes care of Zoe but sometimes I help her to take care of the dog, too. I promise I will take care of my dog more. I love my dog because she means the world to me.