A long time ago in a windy village in a country-side near Athens were houses made of stone or rock . People were always proud of their homes;they were cleaning their village to keep it clean.The grass and the dirt were dry because it never rained. As a result they would struggle to drink or to make food for their children. Even-though they were poor they loved their country.

Unfortunately 14 kids every nine years had to be sent to the horrible island of Crete. Were they were fed to the Gorgian . He was a horrible, blood-thirsty monster with snakes from his head hissing and paralyzing eyes would turn people into stone.

Gorgiderous was the prince of Athens he lived in a big castle. He had beautiful green hair and green eyes that shone like stars in the night sky. In his right hand he held a bag of gold to share with the people . He had a bright personality, he was kind and self-sacrificing to every-one.

Gorgiserous stormed into the main room. "Why do you send children to Crete and they never return back! " Yelled Gorgiderous.

"Well my son if we don't Minos will fight us, and they get turned into stone and eaten by the Gorgian!" Said King Ageos.