
Many animals and plants live in big habitats that can be deserts, woodlands, polars and wetlands. Animals like penguins, polar.ears and Arctic foxes can live in polar regions.

In 2H we have been learning about diffrent habitat


Big animals eat small animals and some small animals eat plants. Animals like foxes live in woodlands and eat things like mice and sma plants. Animals like foxes live in woodlands and eat things like mice and small m ammals.

HabitatIn 2H we have been learning about diffrent habitat .


Their is a such thing as an

desat owl and it livs in a catas and their is a such thing as a desat fox the desat fox cubs are verrry cute.


In an ocean there are fishis and tertals and the pants in a ocean are coral and saeweed.


A polar has lots of animals like pengwins and polar bares .
