My literacy that I enjoyed.


Once there was a village in a countryside near Athens.The village was calm but the people were treated with lack of respect by the Athenians.The villagers,struggled to get water because it never rained there,the soil looked like a crust on a dry bread covered with the dry grass.As a result their was celebrating their last day at Athens.Even though they were poor, the villagers loved their village with all their hearts.

Unfortunately 14 children had been sent to the Island of Crete to be turned into stone by the fearsome monster called Medusa,Medusa was a monster that had snakes on her head,and was half human and half snake.

But in a small village ,they lived a girl named Europa.She had green eyes like grass,and lips like strawberries.her hair was really really long .She had muscles as a gorilla ,and a golden metal shield in her right hand .Europa was a young ,beautiful ,fair girl,who wondered why the children were going to Crete.

Europa pushed the door of the palace hall open and yelled."why are these people going to Crete but not coming back.Are they treated as slaves."King Aegeus ,the king of Athens,replied.

"No,they are not ,but,they've been turned into stone by a fearsome monster."Europa stated "father this is terrible.You can't let this go on.I'll go and defeat the monster."

Jogging to the white ship with a triangular black and white sail,Europa was gathering the children who were sacrificing their lives.They got on the boat and sailed of to Crete,but,on that day a storm came with a enormous waves.The wooden white was going side to side ,and the passengers struggled to hold on.

The strong wind and immens of waves had broken some of the thin long oars.