They are all genuine quotes from the children and you can see how so many different children are getting different things out of the trip.

A word now on dorm inspections. As mentioned the girls have been raising the bar more and more as the week has gone on, in order to woo Mrs Thomas. We now have full on dance routines from every dorm-when they get time to practice this I have no idea.

So far we have seen: Walking on sunshine, raw, Salute, Don't stop the party, Uptown funk.

A great effort by all and the marks have been steadily increasing.

Meanwhile I was 'fortunate' enough to follow Mr P during an inspection this morning. The plastic cricket stump is not only a baton, but also actively used during the inspection. Erroneous miniscule bits of litter on the floor are pulled to one side and subjected to ridicule. Then the stump is lay horizontal on the floor to ensure the shoes are exactly straight...

I think it would be fair to say that some boys are not sure if this is serious or not. Some are desperately trying to not laugh and others are looking crest fallen.

"I love what you've done with the hair products on the shelf there-what order are they in?"


"Yes, excellent, creative idea-extra mark for you."

That is the level of conversation we are talking about.

The food has been not too bad for a school journey. Breakfast and lunch are standard and there is not a lot wrong with it. Dinner last night was bread, cheese pastry, bread, "mixed grill" (sprinkled with uncooked couscous-interesting), bread, cheese, bread and apple tart. So all in all not bad.

Modern media has to take responsibility for the actions of one child at the cheese farm, who when asked what he was doing replied "Cow selife!!!", not in my day, not in my day.

I took the attitude of the SNP party yesterday when one of the other schools teacher's asked if we wanted to play football. No collaboration was my response. He wasn't best pleased, but it always ends in an argument and here wasn't the place!

Last night also ended with a children v Kingswood staff football match in the hall. These guys have been on the go since 7am yet are still willing to play 6 matches against various different school teams at 10am. Whisper it quietly.... the lights didn't get turned out till 10.45pm due to the late finish!!

Right, I'm going to venture outside to the sunshine. Unbelievably tonight for the fourth year in a row, my feedback meeting has been arranged the same time as the disco. Decisions had to be made and with a heavy heart, I have decided, once again, that it is my duty to attend the meeting. Sacrifices have to be made!

Probably won't blog again as there won't be enough time-however twitter updates will happen.