Is chocolate good or bad?

Chocolate comes from cocoa beans and started to grow hundreds of years ago, a man called Hornando Cortex brought chocolate to Europe and that`s probably why we have chocolate in the UK, I will be telling you about why chocolate is bad for us.

Milk chocolate is the most unhealthy chocolate as it is high in calories because of its fat.

Dark chocolate is unhealthy but has powerful cancer fighting properties, over the years chocolate had a lot of bad press because of its fat.

Dark chocolate has 24 grams of sugar.

Bad things chocolate does to your health!

Chocolate can create headaches if you eat too much,

if you eat a lot of chocolate you will slowly get fatter.

Sadly if you eat lots and lots of chocolate your life will be shorter,

chocolate may contribute to lower bone density.

You can eat up to 2 to 3 squares of chocolate per day.

Bad ingredients in chocolate!

How much chocolate should you eat?

Good bye!!!

I hope this has changed your mind about chocolate it may be amazing and creamy

however it is very unhealthy. I am not saying chocolate is bad you can have a little bit but not lots. I hope you have a good day and GOODBYE!!!