
The dragonfly is a type of insect. Its life cycle has three stages. These are the egg, the nymph (or larva), and the adult dragonfly. It lives near water. It has a small head, big eyes, body, long thin tail and two pairs of wings.

Lifespan: 7 – 56 days (Adult)

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Odonata

Suborder: Epiprocta

Kingdom: Animalia

Dragonflies have a lot of different colours like yellow, red, brown, and blue.

The female dragonfly drops eggs in

the water. Then they hatch and

become nymphs or larva. A nymph

molts about 14 times before it

becomes a fully grown adult. The

last time it molts, it turns into an

adult dragonfly.