To day is Friday and I just came back from school at school I was creating a wanted poster for someone to capture and conker the fears huge Grendle.After that I went to play then we done some maths.Then MR Gill came in and took olivier,tyG,tyB,zakaria,larin,tianna,alfie,olive,xhoana,arda,gledion,farida,mariada,jesica,tuhana and huda to go to early lunch then we had lunch.After lunch we had twenty minutes of play at one-fifteen we had a toilet break we got our coats and off we went to the Tottenham univercity and we had a talk about what we are going to be doing through the year after that we went on a tour around the univercity.After the univercity we went back to school and had an extra fifteen minutes of play I played a game of football after play we went back to lessons then we went home and I ate some pasta and some salad after I ate I went outside and played with Anil and Tamim on bike after seven O'clock me and Anil played football then I rid my bike home after that I played cards now i'm going to sleep goodnight.



Hi to day is Saturday and I just woke up after a couple minutes I felt board doing nothing so I took the laptop and watched some Youtube videos after that I brushed my teeth and made some breakfast then I went to the shops and saw Alexandra after that I cleaned the house after a wile I went outside and played with Anil and Tamim then I injured my self and I went home took a medicine peal and ate rice and chicken then I went to sleep for a bit I woke up and watched some XFacter my mum dad and sister also my brother in law went to a wedding then I watched more Youtube took more medicine peals and went to sleep.


Today is Sunday and I just woke up and I'm using the laptop I'm watching Youtube now I'm getting ready for church I am ready to go to church now .I went to church then I ate some food I had a talk watched some TV then I watched TV in my room I watched Olive play football in her room.Then I went to sleep.