it had every single fruit flavour with creamy custard in the world but she would wait for the BFG

but still she could smell rainbows of flavours she looked further and she could see more and more flavours of that yummy frobscottle the frobscottle rivers were infinite everywhere she looked there was more and more frobscottle and she could see this world of frobscottle in one tiny hole witch no one in giant country can get through except for Sophie so this was her chance but the BFG was still snoring away now she could almost taste it mmm juicy oranges sour lemon and sweet mango she was dying to get out but the BFG was snoring and snoring so she tried to go to sleep again but it was stuck in her head she could never stop thinking about frobscottle at first she thinked that what the BFG was drinking was a bit odd but that night when she asked the BFG for some she did love it forever and now cause she that extraordinary land she loved it more and more and more so she could go to sleep only for a like hour or something and even when she was asleep all her dreams were about frobscottle so she woke up soooooo tired but not tired enough to stop thinking about frobscottle so she tried to wake her first attempt was to tap the BFG and whisper but there was no answer so her second attempt was to tap him a little bit harder and talk in the normal way she speaks and the answer was snoring so this was her last attempt whether he wakes up or not so she taped him as hard as she could and screamed for him to wake up and he he was snoring even more she thinked that she can not go anywhere with the BFG so she was traped in BFG`s cave