The Black Cat

Right most people

think my real name is The Black Cat but

back out to garden (with the bag of loot) run back down

the now deserted road , into my house and then finally

after a "hard days work" go to sleep with the valuables

safely locked up in my safe with all the others.Anyway

back to my parents they always keep nagging about

how I am always waking them up in the crack of dawn

and then they can never get back to sleep after.Well in my defence they should put earplugs in, but no they

really it's Helen ; I know it's really plane but I cant change

it so I have to live with it ,so you can see why I call myself

the black cat (well that and to keep the police off my back).

I cant even see why they call me a villain I just sneak into

peoples gardens at the dead of night ( as cats do) go into peoples houses steal their valuables, or anything really that I can find, get out as fast as I can run

wouldn't because they wouldn't give up nagging because they enjoy it too much.

My childhood was horrible throughout all of primary school I was bullied by these

two girls , plus I had no friends to skick up for me.Then in secondery still no friends

but luckly for me (not) I still had bullies YAY! So maby you could say thats why I

became the vilian that I am .Now I am a 22 year old still living with my parents

in a flat ,there used to be me and my brother but he left to go to Italy on work, so

it's just me my dad and nagging mum.