My space video

So me and my group made planets.Then we created the stars and the sky in space.we did a fact for each planet and everyone had three planets each.We did one video each fact.To find these facts we looked in lots of space videos.We also made a script and plan so we new what we was going to say and do.

why It was successful

My space video was successful as we all had very good facts about the planets we were talking well as this,we had good voice overs as you could not hear people in the back round.Also the pictures matched up with what we was saying which really helped people understand.



How I could improve

We could have maybe added more facts about the planets we were talking about as we only hade one fact perplanet.Also we were very quiet so we could have improved that a lot because we hade good facts.

Skills I learnt

I learnt how to put videos together and that was usefull because then we could film bit by bit instead of trying to film it all at once.I learnt how to put music over things or pictures so it sounded dramatic and it was a nice little feature.