
Dear Diary,

Last night, I caught the Iron man even though I wanted to catch a fox. So I put dead hen on the trap to lure the fox in the Iron man's trap that the farmers built for him; to capture the Iron man. Suddenly the fox looked up at the cliff and he discovered him t The Iron man. His red eyes flickered this way it was like his eyes were staring in my soul. My hands started to shake. My teeth were trembling. The Iron Man came my way . . . .

Fortunately, he started to eat the barbed wire fence. All around the field he ate fence he rolled it like spaghetti. I was sweating of fear. So I desperately searched for something so in relief I found in my in my pocket a knife and a nail I had a idea. . I thought to my self ; maybe if I tap them together he will come to the trap and fall in. So that's what I did I started to bash them together and the last thing i heard was CRASH the Iron Man fell in the trap. So I quickly ran to the village and shouted " I CAUGHT THE IRON MAN! " We had a celebration.

I felt ambivalent ; because I felt happy that I caught him but on the other hand I felt guilty that I actually trapped a poor creature. I still think of him at night of the innocent creature...

The end.

Written by Stefania Napu