
day one 10th April 1912

the titanic has just set sail peaple are waving shouting and screming. The ship made a loud noise that ment the ship is going there was a dining room,sqash,swiming pool,smoking room.Don't you know that this was my last ship before I retire.

day 2 11 April 1912

A few days later the look out spotted something glooming ahead. It was a ice berg so they rang the bell and told me what happend . I told the wireles oprater to send sos but they

kept on playing around.some people were sleeping so we had to wake them up we lowerd the life boat. sadlley Jack filips jumpted onto a life boat and left his mate I feel sorry.

day 3 12 April 1912

poor rich people all on a life boat the Titanic sunk and the noise went down the freezing people are keen on whats going to happen next.

day 4 13 April 1912

people are allmost frozend but some people see somthing shining ahead. Its a ship ''Its the carpathia'' someone shouted they all shoved and push my my.One by one they all got onto the carpathia the crew gave them a hot drink and a towel to keep warm.