The Sly Fox

I'm always watching...

That's my name. Remember it. That's the name all of you wusses will be thinking as you climb into bed. That's the name that will be feared to be said and remember I'm always watching. So any bad things about me said then I'll be in your house as soon as your asleep. I have a long, long waiting list of people to rob. Who knows. YOU could be next.

I bet most of you are wondering WHY in the world I am are blogging. Well my best friend [EE] lives 300 miles away and we rarely see each other so instead of writing letters [yawn] we both decided to write a blog. Now first I'll tell you a bit about my self. Well first of all my real name is actually Lara. I HATE that name. It makes me sound like a goody two shoes. And that never ever matched my personalty. I was the girl who practically lived in detention.

The girl always playing pranks. I had a gang called the trouble makers and me as the leader [of course]. At the age of 13, I got out kicked out of my secondary school ad got set into a school for trouble makers. I settled in right away but I did make one enemy. The Danger Dolphin. Pathetic name I know. She hated me because I was a better trouble maker then her. At 16 me and DD

[Danger Dolphin] were picked to go to the worlds famous villain school. You leave at

the age of 21, so its kind of like a secondary school and a UNI. The school has to get

parents' permission to join them. DD's parents are robbers and are always encouraging

her to be a trouble maker, so she got permission of course. My parents died when I was

15. Don't take pity on me. Most of my parents friends didn't even know I existed! No

joke. So,yeah, I'm not that bothered about their death. The school picked me about a

about a week after their death. They told my old school that they were a boarding school trouble makers, which is kind of true. Long story short, after a lot of persuading it worked. The school teaches sport in the morning and then in the afternoon we learn about famous villains. And then, after dinner, we go out and rob people's house. I find that sooooooooo much fun. We each have to come up with a TOP SECRET name.You are only meant to tell people you can trust. I picked Sly Fox. Neat, right. For ins-tense. DD's real name is Kate. I bet you're wondering how I know her name seeing as we are bitter enemies, but may I remind you that me and Kate went to the same trouble-maker-secondary school. We also had a mark we would leave to show who robbed. Anyway

I've told you waaaaaay too much information already, so if you want to find out

about my present life, you will have to wait until I publish my next blog. In which I

enter a competition and have a duel with Danger-think-she-will-win-Dolphin

[I've entered it but I haven't done the duel yet]. Hi EE, if you are reading this at the moment. Bye all. AND JUST REMEMBER, I'M ALWAYS WATCHING!!!!!



Me at 14.