The kungfu mouse

It was a hot and sticky sunny morning way out in the African


a mouse was getting ready for his kungfu class he started two days ago.He was not very good at

atoll the others were always teasing him saying how bad he was and how small he is.

He never listen to them at all today it was a very hot day and as soon as they finished warming up spick the mouse was ready to go home he was wet and all soggy he was warn out .

But he carried on the sensay was surprised every one else was nocked out one hour later

the seshon was over the mouse felt good the bullys was saying you got lucky wach tommo-

row there will be reall fighting and compertisions.The next day the mouse was scared every one there judged hime by how he loocked . But he did not care the first battle was

spick vs Arabic because spick was small so he had advantage

because he was very tiny and strong and spick kicked him in a face and it was a knock out he one the next round he won

again and again finally it was the last round and no one believerd

that he was still alive but he was versing the bully.The mouse

batterd him and he became the cungfu master the end.

By Malachi