The Devil Bunny

I'm the devil bunny and i'm always furious because I got adopted

by a creature called the "Devil". He treated me terribly and he changed

my name before it was Lola but to be honest I kind of like being

mean. I used to be like a girly, cute bunny which I hated. Most of the

time I go on adventures such as spying and stealing stuff. I can't wait to be

the best villain ever existed, well really better than my dad. I never ever

liked my dad because he's too mean and he never cares about ME... but not

anymore! I'm going to mess up all of his stuff and keep on kicking him and

as I'm really tiny he'll never think it would be me because I'll just keep on

running away and hiding! He would never like to mess with me again! The

next day, I got a letter for the first time in FOREVER! It said inside that

there was a villain school right down the road and the tryouts were today! I was in EXCITEMENT! It was the time for me to shine! This has to be the best thing that happened to me ever! I have to tell my dad straight away so we won't be late for the tryouts! I jumped as fast as I could! I told him and he said "no because we're having a family dinner." I HATE FAMILY DINNER! I love eating on my own! I said if I could go by myself but of course he said "NO!" Never liked my dad anyway but...I can sneakily get out and jump for my life so, of course I did it. When I was just about to open the door I heard a sudden "STOP!" and it was my dad who caught me red-pawed. He exclaimed "GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" I done what he told me to do. Anyway there's another one tomorrow however, I'll have to think of another plan. The next day, I thought of another plan which was called The Disguised Bunny.

Me when I get angry.

and it's really when I disguise myself and I got an idea in my head that I'll dye myself red, put on green contact lenses and make my ears a different shape. I hope this will work because I'll probably be grounded forever! Which is not on my bucket list! To me this plan sounds quite good but definitely not better than the one when I kick him, I love that plan! I can't stop thinking about Devil Bieber, -thinking about Devil Bieber- Anyway, I can't wait to do my plan, my dad's going to be so annoyed and furious when he doesn't find me at home. I'm a bit scared because I really don't want to get caught or stay in my room forever but I got a feeling that this plan will work! Oh no, I have to get ready because it's

My disguise plan

time to see if this plan will work or not but anyway I'll have fun because that's the point of this plan. I can't wait to be a real villain. It's time to have fun. I went down stairs and I quickly opened the door and jumped as quick as I can. I made it, I actually made it! Now I just have to hurry so I can make it on time! When I got there, I saw the longest line EVER! I'm definitely not going to that line and wait for probably an hour or more so why not just sneak through the window or as I'm really small I could just go under the peoples legs and they'll never notice me unless I accidentally hit one of them, then I'm in real trouble but of course my dad sees me and runs to get me with the most furious face I ever saw in my whole life. He comes and grabs me. My window was open as well so he just threw me in my bedroom and he shouts " YOU'RE NEVER COMING OUT FROM YOUR BEDROOM EVER AGAIN!" Then I wondered how did he know it was me because I was wearing my disguise ...Oh, I forgot to dye one huge bit and I forgot to put on my lenses. This is totally my fault and I feel like and Dumb Bunny instead of a Devil Bunny. Anyway, this is the last adventure of my whole life so, bye the outside world! I'll miss you! Unless there's another plan up my sleeve...