The Titanic

10th of April 1912

The Titanic has finally set sail from Southampton to new York. Once we have reached new York I shall retire as a captain.The Titanic is the greatest ship I have ever sailed.My guat the finest food in the dining room and theest can enjoy a swim on the top deck or

can go in the smoking room.My guest can also go to the gym or go the Turkish baths

Day 2

Day 1

11th April 1912

The titanic as been getting ice berg warnings for the past few days.Look out fredrick fleet spoted an iceberg and the Titanic is heading strate ahead and it was to late to turn around.

Day 3

12th April 1912

The Titanic has hit an iceberg and will sink in 2hour. some of the passenger hasn't noticed how much danger they where in.The captain ordered the life boats and got women and children on first.Some of the passengers didn't want to get on a life boat.

Day 4

13th April 1912

The Titanic has completely sunk into the deep deadly ocean and most of the passengers died or froze to deaf.The people in the life boats went back and looked for survivors but only 4 people survived in the cold freezing ocean but one died when it got pulled into the boat.

At 4:00am the Titanic came and rescued the lucky survivors to take them back to new york.