The giant and the sleeping potion

Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a fierce giant. The giant was cruel and mean to the villagers. He destroyed the villagers' houses. The villagers would go and hide in the forest when they saw him coming.

Once when the villagers were hiding they met a young boy. Luckily, the boy had a great idea! He had a magic potion in his back pack. This potion was very strong. It was a sleeping potion. The giant was very greedy and he was always asking for more food. So, the villagers prepared lots of food for the giant. The boy put the sleeping potion in the food.

The giant ate all the food. Luckily, the magic potion worked very well!! He immediately fell into a deep sleep. The villagers built a huge raft. They tied the giant to the raft and dragged him to the sea shore. They sent him out in the open sea.

No one ever saw the cruel giant again after that day. All the villagers lived happily ever after and were always grateful for the young boy's help.