The Ending of the Dark

One day there lived a little, petit and well-mannered boy named Lazlo.

He was petrified of the dark.

On that day after saying goodnight (after a late night) to his loving parents he darted upstairs in a flash and leapt into his old but still cosy bed. Unfortunately, that night he had a visitor...

His biggest phobia, darkness. But this certain time he wasn't going to back down.

Lazlo jumped out of his night bed and ran to the stairs leading to the basement. "Scuttle", "scuttle" the mice crawl. The basement was as dark as the Earth without a moon. Lazlo couldn't move he was motionless. He heard a noise calling him, it was the terrifying dark telling him to unbolt the door and come down to open the ancient and crooked drawers that had never been touched.

Lazlo step by step went down and eventually, he was down stairs. The possessed dark told him what to do. It told him to go to the drawers. Lazlo's sweat drooped down him and into his moist pJ's. He had to hold it. Lazlo slowly ambled to the drawer; seized it, he then opened it and........


By Raman Panesar 6G