
the titanic was seting sail from shouhamton to new york. On board the is a libary which is the peacful place on board there is a smoking room for men also there is a turkish bath which is so realaksing. This is one of the best journey i have been on.

This is my ll place on board there is a smoking room for men also there is a turkish bath which is so realaksing. This is one of the best journey i have been on.

as it is day two now everything is fine and peacful. fredrick fleet has been waching and there has been 4 iceberg warnigs on our voyage its a very happy journy suddley at 2:10 am they are tiping in the water with passangers getng in the a life boat has only 705 survived and only 1,500 died in the freezing ocean.

day finally the carpathia is here and they will try to save as many people as they can . life boats have been lowed down And people safly going on a life boats. also there is only 20 lifeboats and now the titanic is under the freezing and cold atlantic ocaen.

day 1


day 2