My Favourite football team

My favourite players in football is ronaldo,Gerethbale and messi, madrid won thewoeld cup in

2014. my friends is kaleb ,aron ,prince,beroth ,mehmet and jahzye. Usain bolt won the olipiks in

2014 and he won 1 more in London. I like sports like football,basketball and racing in parks and

in school.I like coming to school to have fun and learn .My favourite instrument is a piano.

I like helping the little kids in the school and playing with them.

I like sandwiches and corrot because it is healthy but if you eat unhealthy food your teeth

wil get yellow.


Bones are very strong and they can come in different sises and shapes but

if you dont have bones your arms and legs wil look like a blog . There are 206 bones

in a humen body. There is a humen sceleton ,doncky ,mous,dog,lion and agorila.