Lazlo carefully and slowly followed the dark downstairs to the haunted looking basement. He was as scared as a mouse in a haunted house. Lazlo looked around to find light but all he could see was pitch black darkness everywhere. He tried as hard as he could to get away but the dark kept on pushing him away, further into the darkness, he still couldn't find his way out.

Lazlo reached the bottom of the dusty staircase but then all of a sudden he ended up at the door... Lazlo tried so hard to escape but something was keeping him. he thought that the dark was a friend to him but surely he was wrong. No matter how hard he tried he could not get away. The Dark now took control of him and he did not know what would happen next.

After a while the dark sat him down and spoke, Lazlo was not sure what to expect. The dark was alone; he had no friends and only wanted to be with someone after all those lonely years. Lazlo thought that he was the only one that was alone but he was wrong. The dark was alone and so was Lazlo he didn't think like the way he used now knowing that he was not alone and always had someone. From that day Lazlo and the dark spent hours after hours keeping each other company. As Lazlo got older so did the dark; the dark started to fade but Lazlo knew he was never alone.