
LO:To describe a snowy viking village.

The howling wind was quickly blowing through the white beautiful painted woods.The whole wood was dancing wildly in the cruel wind while the birds were singing. The trees were loudly banging on the door.

The birds joyously flying past the beautiful pink and purple multicolored horizon while all the people started to close the light is the small little wooden houses to go to bed.All the beautiful birds are taking there children to leave the cold freezing village.

The freezing cold snow felt like an ice jacket on the wooden village houses while the people were cooking food in the warm tiny houses. The wooden houses are fool of happiness while they fill the place with Christmas decorations.

The snow lays on the ground like a big bed cover over the whole country. All the children are joyously playing out side making snow angels and snow ball fighting while the parents proudly watch from the window while making pie.

Icicles were hanging from trees as though they were terrified of falling to their death. The heat of the sun at midday, shot all of them down like dominoes. As they fell they looked like shattered glass on the icy floor.