Black History and the Tudors
This month we are celebrating Black History Month. I have often wondered when I've looked at all the stories, History books, videos etc...What about famous black people in Tudor Times - Who were they?
During the Tudor Times there is
some evidence that people were
used as servants but they were
not enslaved. Others were rich
merchants, noblemen/women or
Enslaving others did not happn in
England until the late 1600's when
the Portugese introduced the idea
of trading in people.
John Blanke was a royal trumpeter in the courts of Henry the VII and Henry VIII. While serving as the trumpeter he was held in high regard by both kings. He was paid the sum of 8 pence which over the year equated to £12. In today's money that's roughly £7,958.18.This was double the wage of a farm labourer.
What are your thoughts?
What other information have you found out?
Have you found any other interesting articles about black people in the Tudor Times?