The Giant and the Magical Potion

Once upon a time, a 1000 years ago, there was a giant. He was enormous, scary, terrifying, greedy and nasty. The giant's name was Ben. He liked to eat people, destroy places and do bad things.

The villagers of a tiny village were so fed up of him. Fortunately, there was a young boy named Doctor Intelligent that used to create good and bad potions and he had a plan. All the people hid in the woods and they made a big feast for the giant to make him eat the food with a sleeping potion in it. They all did their best to make sure that in his body there was enough potion to make him sleep for a long time. The giant fell in the trap and ate all the food. Afterwards, he slept peacefully.

While he was fast asleep, they built a raft and pushed him away out at sea. Nobody knew what happened to the giant. That was the last time the villagers ever saw him again.