The Titanic

Day 1-10th April 1912-The Titanic has finally set sail from southampton to New York.This will be my last voyage to be Captain for this ship.Also the people might be sad because there said i was a really good Captain.The 1st class was really nice,clam and quiet.Also the 2nd class was intresting because it had a bed that looked really posh,the 3nd class was not that intresting

Day 3-12th April 19 The ship has hit an ice berg and is now starting to sink,also people are tring to hang onto the edges and tables,chairs, beds,doors,people,handles and computers.however at 12am the first life boat was lornched out and the second life boat was lorched out at 11:45pm and they said all lady's have to get on first. Also they told the men they weren't aloud because the women were inporternt than men (I think.) Although 1,500 passengers died in the deep,deadly Atlantic ocean.However the Captain had to stay on the huge,long,dirty ship to keep people safe and so they don't die.Also the cold passengers that were on the wooden life boats was terrified because they were shivering like no one had been shivring. . Carpathia to the rescue. Finally the Carpathia came to rescue the freezing passengers that was on the wooden life boats and finally took them to New York.