Is chocolate good or bad

Today,Ruwaida and Oliwier will be telling you about CHOCOLATE! Cocoa beans were grown at least 100 million years ago.The cocoa trees grow in tropical areas

(e.g America,Africa).Cocoa trees may have started at the lower slopes in the Andes Mountains.

So far,we know that dark chocolate improves your memory but prevents cancer.In addition,we need more research to agree that dark chocolate is good for you.Dark chocolate is chocolate without milk solids added.

However, if you eat too much dark chocolate you could still get still gain weight and unhealthy.

Cocoa, which is used to make chocolate, provides phytochemicals. These can improve health by acting as antioxidants.However, excessive intake of sugar can adversely affect health so moderation is important when enjoying chocolate.Chocolate is relatively high in fat

.Plus it could lower blood pressure and make you have a lower percentage of heart disease.

By Ruwaida and Oliwier.