The Wind

The wind pounded on the door like a hammer nailing wood together.

The freezing cold wind blows in your face angrily blowing you away.

When the wind is near you the wind will knock you out the way to move.

The Icicles

The beautiful icy sparkling blue icicles shine in the distance.

The icicles hung from the mountains like knifes stabbing you.

Icicles are cold and dangerous for children so


The snow always fly's in the bright blue sky.

The snow waves high passing bye the people.

The Mountain

The mountains are blue and white they are the ruler of the snowy land.

The mountains are big but also scary to climb on.

The Trees

The trees are having to you as you pass bye.

The trees are tall like a airplane in the sky.

The Snow

The buildings

The top of the buildings are covered in white, they look like an old gran dads head all fluffy and soft.

The buildings are tall like a giants standing tall and strait.

The see though windows are covered in whited, cold snow.