The ending of the Dark

Dawn arose, the gloomy darkness was still lurking around, a thought crossed his mind, he decided it was time to face his fears. Creeping into the basement, pitch black darkness was in sight. Slowly, he crept down the crooked, jagged stairs, choking on the thick dusty air. Holding the unstable banister, Lazlo wondered down the stairs, spirits surrounded him, whispering-echoes bounced of the wall. A huge gust of wind smacked his face. What will happen next?

It was a never-ending staircase. Soon Lazlo was coming close to his arrival. Suddenly, he saw a glimpse of a dark, shadowy figure. He was petrifyed. His muscles, froze, paralyzed and glued together; sweat dripped beneath his forehead, his energy lost forever and with that he came trembling down the stairs into eternal darkness. Moments later he awoke. All he could see was a illuminating chest glowing in the distance. "Open it",whispered the Dark. Staggering towards the chest, it glowed an ominous colour. Just as Lazlo went to open it a voice whispered....

"Don't open it" screeched a voice in the room, it was the dark, shadowy figure. It explained that it must never be opened or it will change everyone's life forever, but what could it possibly be thought Lazlo. "Enough" yelled the Dark and with that he took control of his body. Only a member of Lazlo's family could open it and now that the dark has control of Lazlo's body he will open it, but what was it. Slowly it began to open. Boom! it exploded and all of them were knocked unconscious. Lazlo woke up and the dark was no longer in his body. Now he realised what it was, he looked up to find the world covered in eternal darkness as black as the night, but this was forever, what could he possibly do to save the world?... Surely, the entire world was lost forever, right?