Peregrine Falcon

My animal is the Peregrine Falcon. The Peregrine Falcon can dive down from 60 km to 120 km (as fast as a Ferrari).This fabulous bird is a carnivore and predator bird.It mostly eats pigeons and doves (mostly small bird).The Falcon lives in the colorful New York where it can find easy to catch prey.The buildings in New York are very tall which gives the Peregrine Falcon a advantage to get a current . The danger of the Falcon in New York is that the gas from cars could kill this bird. Also people are allowed to buy any guns which could kill the bird. The Peregrine Falcon is a animal which is not going to extinction. Their large claws can kill another bird in seconds.This bird is the fastest creature in the world. They can reach speed up to 200 mph per a dive. The falcon has a very sharp beak which is very dangerous to people including animal. The falcon is more powerful and stronger than the second fastest creature on earth( the cheetah).