The village

The village is a very quiet and peace full peaceful place. There is hardly any noise just the noise of the chickens and the whistling noise of the wind.

In the village it was a sunny and windy day but it did not matter if it was windy. The sun was just rising up , it was still the morning. There were about six chickens which made a bit of noise.

There was a lot of greenery around the village some where were bushes, trees or either grass. There were lots of people in the morning holding jugs of water on their head. Out of the roof of one of the houses was gas old and polluted gas , this gas was quit quite poisonous course because it could harm you your body in so many ways.

There was like a hill were where two boys were holding a container so they can fill them with water from the stand pipe. On top of the hill some people where were going down the hill with containers filled with water or people filling up there their containers.

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